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 Informed by the muted and passionate colors of youth in Sumi Ukraine, inspired by a decade of travels through Europe, USA and Asia as a fashion model at the highest level -


 Katya began her artistic career painting and drawing the beauty around her - languid and fluid sketches of friends from fashion,  from music, dancers.  Her eye follows the beauty and movement of the female form with a delicate but definitive touch.  Clearly drawing from the great works of notable artists from the Kunstgewerbeschule era, with a contemporary touch. 

Katya is an archetype of the analog artist in the digital age.


 Recent shows:


07.01.2022 - Women collective show, Luxury,NYC
06.08.2022 - Ocean Day, Tribeca,NYC

12.17.2021 - The last word (Ethan Cohen gallery)NYC

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